..................................................By Don Knox
-- part contents for background part 1
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It is mostly for this last reason that I find myself using MacWrite‚Ñ¢ & MacPaint‚Ñ¢ for most of my letters and other written/drawn documents. I have no end of enjoyment composing my own greeting cards by combining MacPaint‚Ñ¢ pictures with MacWrite‚Ñ¢ text to express a thought that is "just right" for some particular occasion. Again, I am not knocking the other programs. I suppose that one uses those things (programs and other things) which one KNOWS how to use. A WORD‚Ñ¢ expert will not bother to learn MacWrite‚Ñ¢ despite it's simplicity. That's fine. I am talking to those of you who may be thinking of getting an 18-wheeler when a small pick-up will do the job.
I am not much for computer games; I try some of them once or twice and then put them away. I do not care to play "Solitare" with a deck of cards. "Klondike" really grabbed me; perhaps you can imagine MY surprise. I was initially amused by the default players (up to 4 can play) being the MARX brothers. They have become dear to me and I have not renamed the players. I have two versions of the game, both from MacWorld. I have used System 3.2 and 6.0.2 (Finder and Multifinder); all work well, never a bomb. Both
versions use the same cards which are excellent. There
is some online help, both general instructions and help
during a game. The latter is the ability to show aces and